Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Parashat Emor 5766

    …was death, but he wanted to check with God, to make sure he was doing the right thing. Moses did not want to be accused of taking an innocent life. As a bat mitzva, I recognize that I am now responsible for the mitzvot, which Heschel calls “the antidote to evil,” and my actions as a Jew reflect on my family, this congregation, and the entire Jewish community. I also appreciate the privilege of speech and the responsibility I have to use it wisely…

  • Saul’s Circle

    …f learn to better understand and welcome this segment of our community. At right: Melakhim Scroll Cover Saul’s Circle created special programs designed for the unique situation of adult Jews who are mental health services consumers. Local mental health professionals enthusiastically endorsed the Saul’s Circle concept and offered their experience and labor to make it succeed. Adult mental health consumers are concentrated in the City of New Haven….

  • Ecology

    …00 watt grid-tied array was installed in August-September 2006 (see image, right, by Allan Appel, courtesy of and became fully operational on 03 February 2007, coinciding with Tu BeShevat. SunlightSolar Energy, Inc., provided technical and installation services. The electricity produced by the array reduces the wattage that the synagogue draws from the power grid. When the array produces more than the synagogue’s demand, i…

  • Online Schmooze Recordings

    …ldberg September 2, 2020 How Today’s Choices Determine How We Will Live in Our 90s Sascha van Creveld August 26, 2020 Do Black Lives Matter in the Declaration of Independence? Robert Forbes August 19, 2020 Policing, Racism, and Community Professor Kalfani Turé August 12, 2020 From Left to Right: Lucy Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals and the Politics of Jewish History Professor Nancy Sinkoff July 22, 2020 It’s Never Too Early to Start Plannin…

  • Shabbat Sheqalim Parashat Pequdei Rosh Hodesh Adar Sheni 5765

    …st today, but we build and maintain synagogues anyway. Is God here in BEKI right now? What is the point of this whole exercise if God isn’t here? I don’t know how you see God — as a watchful Father, the Rock and Redeemer of Israel, the intelligent designer of creation, the force that inspires goodness within us, or some other construct — but however you see God, we build and maintain this synagogue to house God’s spirit, or at least to welcome it,…

  • Parashat VaEthanan 5762: Installation of Officers

    …r so long, the time was coming for Joshua to take charge. Moses wasn’t the right man to lead the people into battle. A new era was about to begin. New leadership was taking over, with new objectives and a new style-but the same core values and the same shared history. I’m not saying that I’m Joshua to Stephen Pincus’s Moses, but there is a modest parallel. What happens in the governance of a synagogue isn’t about any individual’s wishes or achieve…

  • Shabbat VaYiqra 5762

    …e man who had been reading from that very Torah. The bullet must have gone right through him and the Torah scroll. His blood stained the scroll. I found myself singing the part of the Torah with the bullet hole. As it turns out the person had been reading the same part of VaYiqra I had learned a few weeks before. And after thousands of years of difficult history, you are here today celebrating with me as I read the very same part of the torah that…

  • Tribute to Our Civic Leaders Carl Goldfield, Ina Silverman, & Susan Voigt

    …bution. In my heart, we are honoring Phil tonight, as well. It is not only right that we honor Carl, Ina and Susie for their leadership at BEKI and the civic community; it seems almost urgent . 4 We feel angry at some of our civic leaders – present com pany excluded – for thievery, deceit, exploitation, w armongering, and incompetence. It is therefore all the more important to honor our leaders who are honest, intelligent, community-minded, self-s…

  • Processing our Return to the Building: Our Hopes & Fears w/Rabbi Woodward (on-line)

    …23 Aug Processing our Return to the Building: Our Hopes & Fears w/Rabbi Woodward (on-line) August 23, 2021 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Home Page Interior Page We’re told that when we walk into a synagogue, we should say, “Mah Tovu” – how beautiful! But the reality is, returning to “a new […] More Info…

  • Please Don’t Leave

    …oor postal service, rude and lazy bureaucrats — who can stand it?” “You’re right,” said the other, “it’s terrible. As soon as they open another Jewish State, I’m moving!” While we must recognize that there are certain aspects of Jewish culture and Synagogue culture that ought to be changed, we must also affirm that much can be said in favor of our culture and institutions, and that taken as a whole they are of tremendous value and contribute great…