Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Leslie J. Klein

    …familiar symbolic images embedded as decorative elements. “All That Remains” will next be presented at the Virginia Holocaust Museum, Richmond, VA, in October 2020. The works in this show include images from each of these series. In this retrospective of her work, a number of works in private collections are represented by photographic reproductions, thus providing context for the entirety of exhibition. for more information and for purchasing wor…

  • Processing our Return to the Building: Our Hopes & Fears w/Rabbi Woodward (in-person)

    …19 Aug Processing our Return to the Building: Our Hopes & Fears w/Rabbi Woodward (in-person) August 19, 2021 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Home Page Interior Page We’re told that when we walk into a synagogue, we should say, “Mah Tovu” – how beautiful! But the reality is, returning to “a new […] More Info…

  • BEKI School History

    …(BRS) and was under the direction of Principal Ina Silverman (pictured at right). The School initiated a Special Education Program as part of its program in 1995; it was the first program of its kind in the region. Special Education at BEKI is supported  by The Borick Family Endowment for Special Education for Youth at Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel. For a look back on how “Hebrew School” was conceptualized long ago, see BEKI School:  A Handbo…

  • Message From the Rabbi: If Not Now, When?

    …l hear our prayers. At the same time, Judaism recognizes that being in the right surroundings makes it easier to experience God’s presence. In parashat T’rumah, in the book of Exodus 25:8, God tells Moses to instruct the Israelites to “make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” “Exactly as I show you,” God continues, “the pattern of the Tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings – so shall you make it.” We no longer receive divine bl…

  • Message From Yaron Lew: Doing Nothing Is Not An Option

    …shape our congregation for generations to come. What needs to be repaired right now? Our drafty single-pane windows are not energy-efficient. Our noisy HVAC system doesn’t even bring in fresh air. It needs an upgrade. Some of our seats have the stuffing coming out of them. The back divider is falling apart and is held together by a hope and a prayer. All of these things require immediate attention. Doing nothing is not an option. What are we goin…

  • Jewish Community Summer Picnic and Film

    …25 Jul Jewish Community Summer Picnic and Film July 25, 2021 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm BEKI Kids page Home Page Interior Page BEKI is participating in the Jewish Community Summer Picnic from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at the Beckerman Lender Jewish Community Campus at 360 Amity Road […] More Info…

  • Endowments

    …ighten our days for all-too-short a time, that treasure which brings more brightness to our lives than we could ever have experienced without him. Ari taught us the preciousness of life, of every life, of every moment, no matter what struggles or sacrifices are involved in clinging hopefully to life. …Ari delighted his parents, his grandparents, Sarah, and even baby Ilana with his capacity to love, a love which they returned abundantly and creativ…

  • Religious School

    …Annie Norman-Schiff (pictured above) and Rabbi Eric Woodward (pictured at right) brings both continuity and changes. We are implementing a new curriculum based on the insights of our Education Visioning Committee. This includes new approaches to Tefila (prayer); a renewed focus on Jewish character development and values; and a stronger connection between what happens at school and the rest of the life of the congregation. Our school brings togeth…

  • Zionism & Pluralism

    …on of commitment. Nor does it require any admission that the other view is right. Pluralism is an admission of one’s own limitations. Only if you are perfect and your method is perfect and you are always perfectly sure is pluralism superfluous. But perfection models do not work, they destroy others and ultimately self-destruct. Far from weakening Judaism pluralism is a commitment to a Judaism that is ahead of ourselves. Now religious pluralism is…

  • Not By Might: A Hanuka Message

    …Israel, and by performing mitzvot, we do more than any army could to promote the well-being of our people and the success of our mission in the world. We are fortunate that American values validate cultural diversity. To live according to our own ways is now part of the American ideal. By right as Americans we can declare our Jewishness. By living fully as Jews, we get “extra credit” for living the American Way. When we place our Hanuka lights in…