Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Shabbat Minha Service (No Evening Service)

    …Shabbat Afternoon Schedule Change:  The Shabbat Minha (Saturday Afternoon) services in February 2017 will be 1p – 1:35p in the Posener Beit Midrash, and (as in the summer) the evening service will not be held at BEKI on those four days.  This early service time will allow participants to avoid the round-trip to the synagogue on what are the snowiest and coldest nights.  Comments or questions to .  …

  • Endowments

    …gregation Beth El-Keser Israel was established in 2009 by Batsheva Labowe-Stoll, her parents Sara Labowe and Steven Stoll, and supported by family and friends, in order to help sustain the Congregation. At the time of the Fund’s establishment at the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Sara and Steven commented, “This is one way we wish to express our appreciation to our community, and to God, for the blessings of love, joy and Torah that we ex…

  • Guide to Shabbat Morning Services

    service is an Amidah very similar to the Amidah of the Shacharit (morning) service. Near the end of the service, Mourner’s Kaddish is recited by people observing either a mourning period or the anniversary of the death of a close relative. Kiddush & Motzi Celebrating happy occasions with feasting is an important part of our tradition. We hope you can join us for a reception, which will be held in the downstairs Social Hall. We will gather in the S…

  • BEKI Gay Pride Shabbat 5766

    …eaching. To my mind, it’s no coincidence that there are a disproportionate number of gay clergy. Half of my ordination class was gay or lesbian. The process of coming out of the closet, the work we’ve done to become whole and unashamedly ourselves is deeply spiritual. Perhaps this is the Torah that gay men and lesbians have heard and give the world – the lesson that we all, gay or not, must be honest about our lives. And it’s a lesson that is usef…

  • Jews at Prayer: Selections from the BEKI Collection

    …cities of Greece, and even twentieth century America? Surveying the large number of works in the BEKI collection entitled “Rabbi_,” the BEKI Art Committee began discussing how best to present this work in an exhibition. Among ourselves, we called this the “Rabbi Show,” although there is nothing in the artworks themselves to signify that these are rabbis, rather than ordinary men who have been given the honor of holding the Torah. As Jewish artist…

  • Leslie J. Klein

    …familiar symbolic images embedded as decorative elements. “All That Remains” will next be presented at the Virginia Holocaust Museum, Richmond, VA, in October 2020. The works in this show include images from each of these series. In this retrospective of her work, a number of works in private collections are represented by photographic reproductions, thus providing context for the entirety of exhibition. for more information and for purchasing wor…

  • Today & Yesterday

    …decade later. A typical Shabbat morning includes simultaneous programs or services for children and youth, as well as youth participating in the main service and Shabbat Shalom Torah Study. In 2003, the congregation began a process of building renovations, aimed at improving accessibility, enhancing energy efficiency, and upgrading security. BEKI has won awards from the US Environmental Protection Agency and the United Synagogue for Conservative…

  • Protected: BEKI Directory

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Food, Kosher, Kashrut, Kosher for Passover

    …ametz is gone. Signed, Compulsive Kitchen Cleaner Dear Compulsive, Pharaoh freed the slaves. This means that Pesah is supposed to be a happy holiday. Joy on the festival is a halakhic (legal) requirement. As the Good Book says, “You shall rejoice on your festivals.” Clean is not the same as kosher, although they are related concepts. If you put in two to three times your normal weekly effort into cleaning (assuming you do clean regularly), then it…

  • Parashat BeHar: My Jubilee

    …t mornings – Cosmic Conversations, the name our Shabbat morning children’s services coordinator, Anne Johnston, has bestowed upon the Torah study group for our 6th to 8th graders. My commitment blossomed from having sat in on two wonderful study sessions for this age group led by Rob Forbes during the High Holidays last fall. In one of our Cosmic Conversations, we read Parashat Teruma about the design of the Mishkan, or Tabernacle, the dwelling pl…