Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Membership

    …ligious school) Teen Kesher USY and Kadima youth groups Free High Holy Day tickets Support from our Hesed Committee Shiva minyanim Choice of two affiliated cemeteries Programming for children and adults All Jews are invited to become members of BEKI, including: Jews by birth and Jews by choice (converts) Jews in mixed marriages and couples who are both Jewish Jews of all races Jews of all gender identities or sexual orientations. BEKI believes in…

  • The Afro-Semetic Experience

    …25 Jan The Afro-Semetic Experience January 25, 2000 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm BEKI Join us for An encore concert IN ANTICIPATION OF THE DAYS OF AWE David Chevan, Warren Byrd and the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE CONGREGATION BETH EL – […] More Info…

  • Kadima at Adventure Park

    …11 Apr Kadima at Adventure Park April 11, 2021 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm BEKI Kids page Home Page Interior Page April 11 from 3-6 pm, BEKI Kadima is going climbing at the Adventure Park at the Discovery Museum in Bridgeport! Explore the park’s aerial trails […] More Info…

  • Shabbat Zakhor 5764

    …d 1% at six months. People who study resilience point out that there are a number of factors that can predict how well someone will handle severe trauma. These come from studies of hospitalized survivors of motor vehicle accidents, combat veterans, people who lived through the Los Angeles riots, the Oklahoma City bombings and many other tragedies. While degree of exposure is the greatest predictor, other individual characteristics include a good t…

  • Leslie J. Klein

    …familiar symbolic images embedded as decorative elements. “All That Remains” will next be presented at the Virginia Holocaust Museum, Richmond, VA, in October 2020. The works in this show include images from each of these series. In this retrospective of her work, a number of works in private collections are represented by photographic reproductions, thus providing context for the entirety of exhibition. for more information and for purchasing wor…

  • Today & Yesterday

    …y of Shabbat and weekday programs for children and youth expanded, and the number of minors grew from under 70 in 1994 to over 225 a decade later. A typical Shabbat morning includes simultaneous programs or services for children and youth, as well as youth participating in the main service and Shabbat Shalom Torah Study. In 2003, the congregation began a process of building renovations, aimed at improving accessibility, enhancing energy efficiency…

  • Food, Kosher, Kashrut, Kosher for Passover

    …ar Rabbi, The following notice appeared as a “special alert” in Kashrus Magazine (March 2004 p. 7): “Manischewitz Chocolate Coins (‘OU-Pareve’) bear the words: ‘In G-d We Trust.’ A number of leading rabbonim have Paskened that one may not eat them nor throw away the chocolate and wrappers, if they too have those words. Consult your rabbi.” So rabbi, I am consulting you. What should I do if we have those coins? Signed, In R-bbi We Trust Dear Trust,…

  • Parashat BeHar: My Jubilee

    …The other days of Creation are denoted, as you would expect, using ordinal numbers – second, third, and the like; but not the first day, Yom Ehad – Day One. Rashi teaches that “Day One” is to be understood as the Day of the One, the Day of God, and that God created everything in all its potential on that Day. From that day on, it follows that, as my daughter Sarah has recently begun quoting Martin Buber in the tag line to her email messages — To p…

  • Ma-Nora! Parashat VaYetsei

    …ou all. Please help us again, this time by passing along our thanks to the number of congregants who are away this weekend of Thanksgiving, giving thanks of their own elsewhere. The morning of the surgery I prayed and learned another prayerbook lesson, this time explicit. At my request, Marsha had brought me a copy of our Siddur, Sim Shalom. Uncharacteristically, I admit, I started from the beginning of the Shaharit, or morning, service. There I d…

  • Domestic Violence in Classical Halakhic Sources

    …bbreviation of the responsum of Rabbi David ben Shelomo ibn avi Zimra (Radbaz, 1479-1573, Spain, Sefad, Egypt) as found in Teshuvot Geonim le-Rav Nahman Natan Qoronel mitokh Sifrei HaGeonim in Teshuvot uFesaqim, sec. 1, Benei Beraq Israel, 1985, 5:44. 24. Rashba, sec. 693. 25. Cited in Binyamin Zev, p. 247; Rabbi Yisrael of Kremz, Austria (14th century) in Hagahot Asheri rosh pereq HaMaziq (Baba Qama 32a); Rabbi Yosef Karo at Tur, Even HaEzer, hil…