Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Right & Wrong of Return

    …ll of us can live in 602 square feet?” (Jerusalem Report, 30 March 2009, p. 13). (For reference, BEKI’s George G. Posener Daily Chapel is about 1,000 square feet.) Farmer Ahmed might also find that another Israeli Arab family is already working “his” land, or that his former farmland is now a fish pond, highway interchange or shopping mall. In the past 60 years, Israel has become about as developed as Connecticut. The world has changed. In short,…

  • Bulletin June 1997

    …ven’s Conservative Jewish Day School, will join together on Shabbat morning 14 June 1997 for the Ezra Academy Shabbat at BEKI. Worship with the Congregation on that morning and take pride in the students of our Conservative school. Torah Pathways Adult Education Torah Pathways is a discussion and study group which serves as part of a basic Judaism course. Special attention is placed on issues of concern to those considering conversion or in interf…

  • Hunting in Law & Tradition

    …t צידת חיה על ידי כלבים וכל מעשיהם לשם שחוק ושמחה” (Talmud Bavli Avoda Zara 18b). Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg, the most influential German rabbi of the 13th century, declared that “whoever hunts animals with dogs, as do the gentiles, will not [partake of the pleasures of the World to Come]” (Sefer Shaarei Teshuva, Bloch ed. (Berlin), #27). The Shemesh Tsedaqa, writing in the early 18th century [1681-1740], forbade hunting as a profession and for spor…

  • The Camel’s Neck

    …irds) of these displaced persons simply resettled elsewhere in Palestine by 1950. Israel had offered to settle an additional 100,000 Arab refugees at that time in the portion of Mandatory Palestine under its control, but the offer was declined by the Arab states. The majority of these displaced persons were tenants who suffered the tremendous trauma of dislocation, regardless of how the blame is apportioned. After Yasir Arafat and his associated o…

  • Passion Passé

    …ntly, these complainants have not noticed how American Indians and African Americans are portrayed in television and film – not to mention the negative stereotyping of women. The Tarzan movie that came out a couple of years ago was a full-length picture set in an Africa devoid of (black) African people. Thatʼs one way to avoid racist stereotyping. The one unbelievable line in the film – direct from the Gospels – is the statement by the Jewish mob,…

  • Links of Interest

    …Commission Ramah Programs in Israel Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies National and International Organizations Anti-Defamation League (ADL) American Jewish Committee (AJC) Hadassah JACS: Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others JewishGen: The Official Home of Jewish Genealogy Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center Keshet…