Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Beauty and Art in the Sanctuary

    …nse of peacefulness, awe, community, mystery, and religiosity. There are a number of factors that could conflict with our wish to achieve beauty and art in the synagogue and sanctuary. One is the expansive interpretation of the second commandment. The literal words of the commandment are, Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image nor any manner of likeness that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath. My reading of this is that t…

  • Death & Dying

    …ll do it that way, too. But this procedure often created a dilemma: If the number of qaddishes was limited, there might still be some who did not get to say one; if there was no limit to the number of qaddishes added, the service became burdensomely long. So after careful scrutiny the rabbis allowed all mourners to say qaddish simultaneously. This rabbinic solution was adopted only after careful consideration, and after it was determined that mour…

  • Prayer & Synagogue Ritual

    …onal service. However, any Jewish child who has reached the age of bar-mitzva (13 for boys) or bat-mitzva (12 for girls), whether or not they have celebrated a “bar- or bat-mitzva” ceremony, are adults for this purpose by virtue of their age and may lead all services. Dear Reader, Dear Rabbi has a few questions of his own and would be happy to receive written answers. 1. When someone posts a “Vote For Candidate X” bumper sticker on a “Stop” sign,…

  • The Miracle of Hanuka

    …ene. Each member of the household has their own Hanukia, and each lights a number of lights corresponding to the number of the day of the holiday. We are fortunate that we are able to do this mitzva in such a complete and beautiful way. But what of the poor person who can not afford all of this “hidur mitzva” but must struggle to light even one lamp? The Mishna Berura, written at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Hafetz Hayim, comments…

  • Faxing God

    …, the Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem. The service provided by the phone company allows people unable to visit the Wall in person to fax their petitions to an agent who then carefully inserts the sheets into cracks between the stones. But you don’t even need a fax machine to reach God. Our sages valued sincerity in prayer above all else. Length, language, or location are secondary considerations. Better a few words from the heart than the…

  • Parashat Ki Tetsei 5764

    …ay this project works, then who can say in which direction the kindness is flowing? You received a form a week or two ago asking you what kind of help you’re willing to give and whether you’re willing to pitch in occasionally or on a regular basis. Please fill that form in and send it to the office. Or pick up a new copy, available in the lobby. If you would like some help, short or long term, or know someone who would, please call the BEKI office…

  • Volunteer

    …d for every aspect of building management and operation, from planning renovations to weeding flower beds. Green Team: Conservation & Environment – Conservation, Environmental Awareness, Energy Efficiency, Recycling and related concerns are addressed by a concerned work-group, the Green Team. Torah Readers & Prayer Leaders – All daily, Shabbat and Festival services are led by members. Tefila leaders and Torah readers are always needed. Daily Minya…

  • Shabbat Pesah 5761: My Bat Torah Observance

    …bered my face and my name, after meeting me just once before, and only briefly. He even acknowledged Bruce and me at the end of services and encouraged the congregation to welcome us. I felt embraced, and I didn’t feel invisible anymore. One day I was speaking with my brother-in-law on the phone. I was talking about BEKI (which by this time I had joined) and the feeling that I have here. And I confided in him that one day I’d like to get up on the…

  • All as One

    …hiny face make-up and hair mascara, and make “shelach manot” with leftover Valentine’s Day candy. Soon, Kulanu will start a class in intensive Jewish learning (study of Hebrew and liturgy) to help “diminish the distance between the ‘bima’ and the ‘pews,’” said Johnston. By request, a Hebrew-siddur class will be held at the Learning Barn. She hopes BEKI congregants will volunteer and teach Kulanu students Hebrew one-on-one. Johnston will also ask B…

  • (Update to) Membership

    …outh groups Free High Holy Day tickets Support from our Hesed Committee Shiva minyanim Choice of two affiliated cemeteries Programming for children and adults All Jews are invited to become members of BEKI, including: Jews by birth and Jews by choice (converts) Jews in mixed marriages and couples who are both Jewish Jews of all races Jews of all gender identities or sexual orientations. BEKI believes in taking a robustly welcoming stance toward in…