Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Search Results for: Delta Customer Care 1800-299-7264 Phone Number

  • Parashat DeMidbar Devar Torah

    …of all the people. Imagine if the parshah has told us, tribe by tribe, the number of people in each tribe, and separately, the number of males, 20 and up, who were fit for service. Would that kind of census send a different message to us, a message saying, “everyone counts”, including all the women? The second census, what I’ll call the redemption census, I find a strange one. It requires counting of all the male Levites who were at least a month…

  • Go Forth: Parashat VaYera 5763

    number one — go from your land, your birthplace, your father’s house. List number two — take your son, your only son, the one you love, Isaac. This similarity led me to still others. One of the first, and most obvious, comparisons between the two instances of lekh lekha was that in both, God is sending Abraham on a journey. In the first lekh lekha, God is starting Abraham off on his career as God’s prophet and messenger to people on earth. The fir…

  • Beauty and Art in the Sanctuary

    For today’s services, a number of congregants have added touches of beauty to the synagogue and the services. In my Devar Torah, I would like examine the place of beauty and art in the Sanctuary. The sanctuary is a place where we pray together, where we venerate the wisdom of the Torah, where we tell stories that celebrate our shared past. It is also a place where our spirits and our community can be invigorated, nourished, and rested. It is a sa…

  • Death & Dying

    …ght still be some who did not get to say one; if there was no limit to the number of qaddishes added, the service became burdensomely long. So after careful scrutiny the rabbis allowed all mourners to say qaddish simultaneously. This rabbinic solution was adopted only after careful consideration, and after it was determined that mourner’s qaddish is not one of the types of public prayers that can be said by only one person at a time, such as is th…

  • Joint Aliya

    …the Torah and perform their aliya properly. If there were no limit on the number of people who may go up for an aliya at once, then what if a Bar- or Bat-Mitzva family were to want to send up a group of five or ten at once? And what if two groups of ten are called up in succession? The result might violate even our minimal demands of decorum. If we were to limit joint aliya to two people per aliya, then on the one hand we would run into some fami…

  • Shabbat Pesah 5761: My Bat Torah Observance

    …el invisible anymore. One day I was speaking with my brother-in-law on the phone. I was talking about BEKI (which by this time I had joined) and the feeling that I have here. And I confided in him that one day I’d like to get up on the bima and read from the Torah. And as I said these words I began to tremble. The very thought was overpowering to me. To even think of myself as playing such an honored role among Jews seemed so bold. Who was I to ge…

  • Parashat Ki Tetsei 5764

    …ograms. Rides for kids when their parent is unable to drive. An occasional phone call or visit to someone who lives alone or in assisted living. A cooked meals or groceries for someone recuperating from illness or surgery. Of course, we can’t provide regular nursing service or permanent carpooling, but we can extend a helping hand, and we should. How will this work? Well, were just getting started, and there may be some kinks till we work out the…

  • Faxing God

    …, the Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem. The service provided by the phone company allows people unable to visit the Wall in person to fax their petitions to an agent who then carefully inserts the sheets into cracks between the stones. But you don’t even need a fax machine to reach God. Our sages valued sincerity in prayer above all else. Length, language, or location are secondary considerations. Better a few words from the heart than the…

  • Online Schmooze Recordings

    …ober 15, 2020 To download background material, click here The Relations of Care: Reflecting on the Dignity of Work, Racial Justice, and Interdependence for Teshuva Jennifer Klein Thursday, September 24, 2020 To download background material, click here Heshbon Nefesh:  Taking a Moral Inventory in Judaism & in the 12-Steps Dr. Jay Sokolow September 14, 2020 Meditation and Teshuva – Part II Robin Goldberg September 9, 2020 The Psychological Effects o…

  • Directions to the Cemeteries

    …performed in accordance with Jewish law. Plot purchase includes perpetual care of the cemetery grounds. Further information may be obtained through the synagogue office at 203.389.2108 x114 which will put you in touch with a Cemetery Association director, or by email to To send mail to the Cemetery Association use the synagogue street address: 85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724. Beth El Memorial Park (Cemetery) View L…