Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Shabbat Shira

    …ng her army and being a leader. Miriam’s strength as a physical and spiritual healer of her people, may not be as outwardly visible but is most certainly there. Another similarity as I said before, is their strength as individuals, not just as who they’re related to. Both of these women speak their minds, which I find to be a very important trait in anybody. A final similarity, it seems to me, is family relationships. Both of these women had stron…

  • Shabbat Para – Sabbath of the Cow 5760

    …he. Joanne does not have a great facility for languages, or a special musical talent. She has mastered the prayers and the haftarah letter-by-letter, and note-by-note. Moreover, while she comes from a wonderful, nurturing family, they never encouraged her to sing, and she grew up believing that she couldn’t sing. I don’t think it is too much to say that for Joanne to chant the haftara is an accomplishment something akin to conquering Mount Everest…

  • Bulletin December 1999

    …ion in the past, present and future in very significant ways. BEKI’s original small chapel was a gift of Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rosner and Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Rosner. It was renovated by the Sisterhood in 1987 through the generosity of George Posener in memory of his late wife Leah E. Posener. The ark is dedicated to the memory of Harold Ratner. The eternal light is in memory of Rose Schatz, and an area is dedicated to the memory of Isadore Miller. In…

  • New Baby

    …ROOM RATES 1. Shabbat Kiddush/Luncheon Option Shabbat luncheon in the social hall for a period of up to 2 hours following Shabbat morning services. The entire congregation is invited and must be included in the calculation of number of guests. a. Sponsoring Kiddush prepared by BEKI Kiddush Team This fee (prices as of March 2024) includes a dairy buffet lunch, announcement and publication of sponsorship, wine & grape juice, setting up and clean-up…

  • Anna Broell Bresnick

    …re now traversing a new landscape – that of an increasingly degraded one. Wall Sculptures The rest of the smaller wall pieces are abstractions focusing on merging a verity of materials such as wood, rice paper, paper, fur, metal and shells. Combining contrasting materials, the fragile and the strong, mass and no mass, allows for a complex relationship within each piece. Unifying the material is an essential part of unified the content. About the A…

  • Motifs of Nonviolence in Shivhei HaBesht (Tales of the Ba’al Shem Tov)

    …sons, crimes against property, suicide and domestic violence,19 and political scientists recognize economic conditions (especially unemployment) as major contributors to civil unrest and international military conflict. No matter what kind of economic system we choose, it is the responsibility of the community to insure that all are able earn a decent livelihood. The second lesson in the realm of economics is that meeting the immediate human needs…

  • Parashat DeMidbar Devar Torah

    …f our sisters and brothers consider counting women as equals of men in ritual, scholarship, legal judgments and communal leadership, as outside the pale, as something beyond Yiddishkeit. So the effort to have women counted in full goes on. Each time we elect a woman as a Jewish communal leader, hire or learn from a woman rabbi, count a woman in a Minyan, enjoy a woman’s leading services, celebrate a girl’s becoming a Jewish adult as fully as we ce…

  • Beauty and Art in the Sanctuary

    …. I’d like to spend a few minutes trying to define the emotional and physical qualities that I think that BEKI congregants might seek in a beautiful sanctuary. The sanctuary’s design should first and foremost be respectful of the BEKI aesthetic. I perceive this aesthetic to be one that encourages the traditional and communal, that rejects symbols of wealth or hierarchy, is respectful informality, is perhaps at times slightly anarchic. Abraham Hesc

  • Prayer & Synagogue Ritual

    …litsenu.’ Rabbi Yosef Karo in Beit Yosef comments that there seems to be a scribal error and the Tur should have said “on Rosh Hodesh, Hol HaMoed and on Yom Tov.” There is some disagreement as to whether and how to rectify an ommision of “ya`ale veyavo,” but by now it is certainly too late by all opinions!   Dear Rabbi, Why do some Jews sway while they pray? Signed, Dizzy Davener Dear Dizzy, The Zohar, a twelfth-century book of mysticism, suggests…

  • Death & Dying

    …Signed, Dying to Know Dear Dying, It is not a symbol. It is part of an actual burial. The first shovels of dirt at a burial service can be a very difficult moment for the mourners, because it brings home the reality of the death in a very direct way. While some mourners choose not to attend the burial service, it is important to understand that the actual burial is a specific mitzva (religious imperative) and it is considered a great act of kindne…