Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Shabbat Minha Service (No Evening Service)

    …Shabbat Afternoon Schedule Change:  The Shabbat Minha (Saturday Afternoon) services in February 2017 will be 1p – 1:35p in the Posener Beit Midrash, and (as in the summer) the evening service will not be held at BEKI on those four days.  This early service time will allow participants to avoid the round-trip to the synagogue on what are the snowiest and coldest nights.  Comments or questions to .  …

  • Guide to Shabbat Morning Services

    service is an Amidah very similar to the Amidah of the Shacharit (morning) service. Near the end of the service, Mourner’s Kaddish is recited by people observing either a mourning period or the anniversary of the death of a close relative. Kiddush & Motzi Celebrating happy occasions with feasting is an important part of our tradition. We hope you can join us for a reception, which will be held in the downstairs Social Hall. We will gather in the S…

  • Meet Rabbi Woodward

    …serve a diverse, urban, largely uninsured community. In 2012 I joined the American Jewish World Service clergy delegation to Muchucuxcah, a Mayan village in the Mexican Yucatan, which sparked a deeper connection to my Mexican and indigenous roots. Throughout my rabbinate, I have been committed to social justice and interfaith action. As assistant rabbi at Congregation Tifereth Israel, I engaged in community organizing with B.R.E.A.D., a coalition…

  • Right & Wrong of Return

    …, only to find the once-vanquished nation rising again. Like post-frontier Americans, Palestinian Arabs must face up to their own history and let Jews live on the Jewish reservation in peace. If Americans can claim the right to regulate the migration of Mexicans into Texas and New Mexico, or any of the millions who in theory should have just as much right to live on these shores as the native born, then surely Israel, like any society, has a right…

  • Chews by Choice

    …c deeply ingrained in our psyche. As relatively sophisticated middle-class Americans, we are almost unique in the world in that we feel comparatively comfortable accommodating and tolerating other people’s dietary patterns. If you had a seder with your extended family or guests, you no doubt had at least one diner demanding a low sodium, diabetic, vegetarian, low-cholesterol, lactose-intolerant, or low-calorie diet. Twenty years ago it was a big d…

  • Passion Passé

    …acterization in films. Apparently, these complainants have not noticed how American Indians and African Americans are portrayed in television and film – not to mention the negative stereotyping of women. The Tarzan movie that came out a couple of years ago was a full-length picture set in an Africa devoid of (black) African people. Thatʼs one way to avoid racist stereotyping. The one unbelievable line in the film – direct from the Gospels – is the…

  • The Camel’s Neck

    …tion is, the death and destruction, and wanton killing, perpetrated by the American military in Iraq in the first and second Iraq wars is orders of magnitude greater by any measure than the violence experienced by Arabs in the West Bank. Lebanese, Gazans and Iraqis suffer far more death, violence and suppression at the hands of their own rulers or warring factions than do Arabs in the West Bank. It is inaccurate to view the problem in the West Ban…

  • Hunting in Law & Tradition

    …y hunters in this country. Hunting is a significant and celebrated part of American culture. Whether he’s a Davey Crockett or a Buffalo Bill, a real man has a dead animal’s head on his wall. Jewish culture & law, however, take a different view of hunting. The “Great Hunters” of the Bible are viewed by the Sages of Israel as wicked men: Nimrod, whose very name means “one who rebels [against God],” and Esau, who is the utter antithesis of the spirit…

  • Online Schmooze Recordings

    …ov June 30, 2021 BEKI Annual Meeting June 21, 2021 JUNETEENTH, the African-American Celebration of Freedom Robert Forbes June 16, 2021 Tea Tasting Caroline Keogh of New Haven Tea June 9, 2021 Anti-Asian Racism in America Rachel Forbes June 2, 2021 Together New Haven: Economic Development in New Haven Carlos Eyzaguirre May 26, 2021 Regendering the Torah Yael Kanarek May 19, 2021 Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and Ending U.S. Poverty Joann…

  • Holiday Songs

    …Hanukkah 2022 concert       To download the Hanukkah Song Sheet, click here       Kumsitz We will sing around a campfire at a “kumsitz,” meaning “come” and “sit.” We will gather at 7 pm in the BEKI courtyard. We’ll sing niggunim—which have no words—as well as traditional American songs and Jewish songs.  To download, the Kumsitz Songsheet, click here To download audio files of these songs, recorded by Max DuBoff, click here….