Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • BEKI In the News

    …g aside, the talker in Oppenheimer will get to do just that on Sunday, Dec. 15, 10 a.m., at Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel in New Haven, when he is guest speaker at a book talk and brunch celebrating publication of his new book The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia, which he co-authored with Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz. Synagogue Denied 65 Square Feet Of Light,, Sep 18, 2019 And New Haven’s zoning board proclaimed: Let…

  • Parashat Yitro 5766

    …ity biologist Robert M. Sapolsky (“A Natural History of Peace,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2006 p. 104), they live as a collection of small groups, each one an individual node. In this networked society, most of the interactions between individual nodes are local ones. The further away any two given groups are. the less frequently they interact, but they do retain the ability to communicate. This network, when properly balanced, produces hi…

  • Food, Kosher, Kashrut, Kosher for Passover

    …d by the Good Book: “While the flesh was still between their teeth,” etc. (Numbers 11:33). Partly for that reason we are enjoined to wait a period of time after eating meat before eating dairy. But after some time, the “food” in your mouth (and stuck on or between your teeth) ceases to be “food.” Who would eat it? If your toothbrush is used at that point, it is not really in contact with “meat” or “dairy” and thus, strictly speaking, you would not…

  • Parashat Toldot 5766

    …in dating, the J document is usually considered the oldest, written in the 10th century B.C.E.; and the E strand probably written between 900 and 800 B.C.E.. The redaction or the compiling of the whole Torah is usually seen as occurring in Babylonia between 600 and 400 B.C.E. For our three passages only J and E are relevant — the first and third passages are usually attributed to J and the second to E. The first account, of Abraham and Sarah in E…

  • Suzanne Neusner – price list

    …vers Keyboard Fantasy $800 Floral Deck $1,200 Popups $1,200 Coaster $1,200 Busy Garden $1,000 Outside the Box $700 Cell $700 Balloon Festival $600 Sails $500 Beneath the Surface $500 Introspection $500 Genesis 1-12 $1,200 Valley of the Leaves $700 The View from Above $1,000 The Book of Life $600 Huppa $2,000 Kaleidoscope $400 Round Matzah Cover $150 Click here to download a printable list of prices…

  • Parashat VaYishlah Devar Torah

    …ained by trickery, through a reconciliation with his brother Esau. Jacob’s flight from Esau, and his 20 years under the thumb of Laban, have not provided him fulfillment of Isaac’s blessing. In order for Jacob to become a person of real power and legitimate authority, a true leader, he must have the ability to confront his brother Esau directly and to embrace Esau steadfastly, even though in doing so he will expose himself to serious injury. Jacob…

  • Anna Broell Bresnick

    …se have included large sculptural str uctures, floor drawings and video. Broell Bresnick has taught at Stanford University, University of New Haven, University of Bridgeport and the Educational Center for the Arts, where she served as Visual Arts Department Chair for 29 years. She has given lectures at a number of museums, galleries and universities. Anna Broell Bresnick was born in Hamburg, German, has lived in Vienna and Rome and currently resid…

  • Joint Aliya

    …ing to say the berakha (blessing) on their own, or even with coaching. If a 12- or 13-year old can find the courage to stand in front of their elders, and before the Throne of Glory, and lead prayers, then the aunts and uncles or grandparents must find the courage to stand up and recite three Hebrew sentences. To say that someone who would not even read the blessings in transliteration had an “aliya” detracts from the honor of all other olim (hono…

  • Death & Dying

    …ll do it that way, too. But this procedure often created a dilemma: If the number of qaddishes was limited, there might still be some who did not get to say one; if there was no limit to the number of qaddishes added, the service became burdensomely long. So after careful scrutiny the rabbis allowed all mourners to say qaddish simultaneously. This rabbinic solution was adopted only after careful consideration, and after it was determined that mour…

  • Go Forth: Parashat VaYera 5763

    …th lists start with a broad thing to give up and then narrow it down: list number one — go from your land, your birthplace, your father’s house. List number two — take your son, your only son, the one you love, Isaac. This similarity led me to still others. One of the first, and most obvious, comparisons between the two instances of lekh lekha was that in both, God is sending Abraham on a journey. In the first lekh lekha, God is starting Abraham o…