Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Search Results for: do airlines sell cheap ticket right before takeoff phone number 1-800-299-7264

  • Last Day to Sell Hametz

    …19 Apr Last Day to Sell Hametz April 19, 2024 5:00 pm More Info…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …commit suicide, delayed in transit until it was invalid.”31 Zeitlin comes right out and says that Josephus and Philo clearly made up at least parts of their stories: “Josephus had a tradition that King Agrippa intervened with Gaius. He followed the method of the Greek historians, particularly Thucydides, to put a speech in the mouth of his heroes, what he thought they should have said. …The letter of Agrippa to Gaius, as recorded by Philo, was co…

  • Bulletin June 1997

    …, Can Hametz be sold by email? Signed, Dear yitsi@, The selling of Hametz before Pesah (or any other time you might want to sell it) can be done under the rules civil law, which for such commercial purposes is recognized by Halakha (Jewish law) as binding and enforcable before a Beit Din (Rabbinic Court) under the traditional doctrine of dina de-malkhuta dina, “the law of the government is the law” (see Talmud Gittin 10b, Nedari…

  • Bulletin December 1999

    …income through the generosity of informed supporters, we wouldn’t need to sell tickets. However, we could always suggest a donation at the time of ticketing. Wouldn’t it be nice if our members could bring their whole extended families to BEKI for the Holy Days without worrying about cost? There is a case to be made that requiring a comparatively small financial contribution is reasonable, since anyone can pray for free on the High Holy Days (just…

  • Sweetening the Bitter Water: Parashat Naso 5764

    …by Shimon ben Shetah, the ketuba was a contract which guaranteed women the right to own property, the enforceable right to financial support, and most of all, the right to a payment agreed to before marriage in case of divorce. The ketuba was a contract. But it was also an I.O.U. It was collectable from the husband’s estate; it was a mortgage on all he owned. If the ketuba was to change the relationship between men and women, then it would have to…

  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …nk, To the deaths of Miriam and Aaron. * * * One thing to notice About the number 14,700 Is that it promises reduction: It moves toward its own diminishment. There is a half-life logic to it, An inherent halving: 14 in the thousands category, Then 7, half-14, in the hundreds. In this promise of reduction, We move toward zero, Though we will never reach it. Just after the number of dead is given, Parshat Korach turns suddenly. G-d tells Moses to ta…

  • BEKI In the News

    …e separate children’s services every Shabbat morning. Rosh Hashana brings bright future to New Haven synagogue and new rabbi: It was ‘meant to be’,, Sep. 5, 2021 [NOTE: article is behind a paywall] Rabbi Eric Woodward plans to encourage the members of Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel to be their true, best selves, no matter how nontraditional that may be. However, when it comes to following Jewish laws and teaching, tradition is pa…

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Israel

    …r friends, neighbors and families wished to exact.35 Similarly, an unknown number accepted induction but made private arrangements with the administration whereby they could avoid actual combat or use of weapons, or could avoid serving in the occupied territories. At the same time, thousands of others found other ways to avoid the military altogether, through Yeshiva deferments, emigration, and faked medical or psychiatric exemptions.36 Moreover,…

  • Zoom Schmooze: Book Discussion with author Nancy Sinkoff “From Left to Right: Lucy Dwidowicz, the New York Intellectuals and the Politics of Jewish History”

    …22 Jul Zoom Schmooze: Book Discussion with author Nancy Sinkoff “From Left to Right: Lucy Dwidowicz, the New York Intellectuals and the Politics of Jewish History” July 22, 2020 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Home Page Interior Page “From Left to Right: Lucy Dwidowicz, the New York Intellectuals and the Politics of Jewish History” which was published this March. The author is Nancy […] More Info…

  • Go Forth: Parashat VaYera 5763

    …th lists start with a broad thing to give up and then narrow it down: list number one — go from your land, your birthplace, your father’s house. List number two — take your son, your only son, the one you love, Isaac. This similarity led me to still others. One of the first, and most obvious, comparisons between the two instances of lekh lekha was that in both, God is sending Abraham on a journey. In the first lekh lekha, God is starting Abraham o…