Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …hysical world: “And the community, eydah, had no water And they assembled Against Moses and against Aaron.” In the Midrash, of course, Miriam is associated with water: After her spontaneous song and dance At the Sea of Reeds, A spring of water sprung up And followed her around, Providing for the people In their wanderings, But when she died, The well disappeared. They focus on the missing water, Instead of on missing Miriam, Muttering against Mose…

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    …t on choices for floor covering and seating? The committee will seek congregational input on a number of items, including the seating and potentially floor covering. The committee will make the final decision based on a variety of factors, including cost, durability, sustainability, and congregational input. Sound and Acoustics How will we handle room acoustics? We will work with the architect and potentially with an acoustical engineer. Is the sp…

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Israel

    …ccasionally, objection to service at all in what was now seen as an army engaged in an illegal or immoral occupation.8 As one student, about to be drafted, put it in 1979, “It’s not clear to me which side I’ll be on in the various confrontations with the Palestinians. If I’m told to help put down a demonstration, I might put down my gun and join the demonstrators.”9 During the years of occupation, an indeterminate but apparently considerable numbe…

  • Bulletin June 1997

    …and leadership, necessary to provide a high level of service to the Congregation. Congregants will now have greater ease in reaching the offices and Rabbi during and after office hours, leaving messages that will be received in a timely fashion, and obtaining information such as service schedules over the phone. This gift is an especially appropriate memorial to Eleanor’s father since he worked many years to improve people’s lives through the dev…

  • Contact Us / Office Hours

    Phone: 203.389.2108 Fax: 203.389.5899 Postal Address: Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel 85 Harrison St. New Haven CT 06515-1724 Office Manager Peggy Hackett Ext. 114 Education Director Annie Norman-Schiff Ext. 113 President Russell Epstein   Rabbi Eric Woodward Ext. 120 Ritual Committee Chairperson Bruce Spierer   Youth & Family Programming Director Annie Norman-Schiff Ext. 113 BEKI Bulletin   Cemetery Association cemetery@beki….

  • BEKI History

    …Congregation, with Milton Smirnoff (1993-1995) as President, as the Congregation began its second century. During the ensuing decade, synagogue presidents including Saul Bell (1995-1997), Brian Karsif (1998-2001), Stephen Pincus (2001-2002), Gila Reinstein (2002-2004), Donna R. Levine (2005-2007), Dr. Jay Sokolow (2007-2011), Carole Bass (2011-2013), Nadav Sela (2013), Andrew Hirshfield (2013-2016) and Harold Birn (2016-) worked closely with the…

  • High Holy Days

    …ments for further information. A schedule is presented below.  To purchase tickets online, click here, then scroll down to High Holy Days – Tickets. SECURITY UPDATE:  Please know that our High Holy Days team is working hard to make sure that while remaining the warm and welcoming community we have always been, it is doing its best to implement some new procedures and policies, which take your security very seriously.  Your understanding and total…

  • Protected: BEKI Directory

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  • BEKI In the News

    …llow BEKI members to share the different emotions they were experiencing regarding the prospect of gathering with their fellow congregants physically in the synagogue building. A New Haven synagogue. A Nigerian Jewish community. A long distance love story.,, June 27, 2021 Earlier this month Rachel Bashevkin and Eric Dunsker packed up four boxes filled with prayer books that had been sitting unused in their synagogue, Congregation…

  • Parashat Toldot 5766

    …he blessing. The rule of primogeniture, the favoring of the eldest son is again upset, as it usually is in Bereshit. So we have lots of deception and chicanery on the part of the patriarchs. As has already been noted from this pulpit some months ago, the patriarchs are very human characters and are depicted with all their faults and foibles. Initially, I thought I’d talk about Isaac’s treaty with Abimelech settling the land and water rights — I’ve…