Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Israel

    …. 1982, p. 12:3. On the Eli Geva story, see for example New York Times, 27 July 1982, p. 8:6, and 29 July 1982, p. 14:3. 13. For the text of the letter see Ishai and Dina Menuhin, eds., Gevul Hatzivut (The Limits of Obedience), (Tel Aviv: The “Yesh Gvul” Movement and Siman Kri’a Books, 1985), p. 175. The letter, while criticizing the government’s war policy in strong language, does not contain a pledge to engage in any illegal activity but rather…

  • Deadline to Order Lulav & Etrog/High Holiday Tickets

    …10 Sep Deadline to Order Lulav & Etrog/High Holiday Tickets September 10, 2023 12:00 pm More Info…

  • Deadline to Purchase High Holiday Tickets

    …23 Sep Deadline to Purchase High Holiday Tickets September 23, 2022 2:00 pm More Info…

  • Rabbi’s Writings

    …assacre at a Synagogue – December 2018 Throw Them in the Potomac – February 2018 Expendable Youth – March 2018 The Great Satan & The Little Satan – August 2017 A New King Arose – February 2017 Treaty Rights – November 2016 A Verbal Holocaust – October 2016 Malik: Martyr or Menace? – December 1997 Love Me to Death Panel – April 2011 Passion Passé – Aprill 2004 Wild Indians & Wicked Witches – July 1998 The Dangers of Success – February 1999 My First…

  • Online Schmooze Recordings

    …r Nancy Sinkoff July 22, 2020 It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning: Giving yourself a Voice in the Face of Mortality Donna Levine, Esq. and Dr. Michael Hurwitz July 8, 2020 Tracking Covid-19 in New Haven and Across the Country Dr. Dan Weinberger July 1, 2020…

  • The People’s Torah

    …ake sure he’s dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: “OK, now what?” Even if you follow all the directions geschribben in the Shulhan Arukh strictly, letter by letter, you are not performing the mitzvot as our sages intended unless you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. Our sages have taught that in order to perform a mitzva optimally, in most cases, one must do so conscientiously, th…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …e sort that a throng will commonly engage in. He thereupon ordered a large number of soldiers to be dressed in Jewish garments, under which they carried clubs, and he sent them off this way and that, thus surrounding the Jews, whom he ordered to withdraw. When the Jews were in full torrent of abuse he gave his soldiers the prearranged signal. They, however, inflicted much harder blows than Pilate had ordered, punishing alike both those who were ri…

  • BEKI History

    …Books of Moses verse by verse in 1994, and by 2007 had reached the end of Numbers, and concluded I Samuel at Passover 2015. Several other weekly and occasional study groups formed or were developed during these years. The Shabbat Shalom Learners’ Minyan (later renamed “Shabbat Shalom Torah Study”), initiated in the 1980s, continued to attract a diverse and loyal following. In 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 BEKI won Energy Star Awards and was designated…

  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …nk, To the deaths of Miriam and Aaron. * * * One thing to notice About the number 14,700 Is that it promises reduction: It moves toward its own diminishment. There is a half-life logic to it, An inherent halving: 14 in the thousands category, Then 7, half-14, in the hundreds. In this promise of reduction, We move toward zero, Though we will never reach it. Just after the number of dead is given, Parshat Korach turns suddenly. G-d tells Moses to ta…

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    …or covering and seating? The committee will seek congregational input on a number of items, including the seating and potentially floor covering. The committee will make the final decision based on a variety of factors, including cost, durability, sustainability, and congregational input. Sound and Acoustics How will we handle room acoustics? We will work with the architect and potentially with an acoustical engineer. Is the space intimate enough…