Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Search Results for: American Customer Service 1800-299-7264 Number For Reservations

  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …nk, To the deaths of Miriam and Aaron. * * * One thing to notice About the number 14,700 Is that it promises reduction: It moves toward its own diminishment. There is a half-life logic to it, An inherent halving: 14 in the thousands category, Then 7, half-14, in the hundreds. In this promise of reduction, We move toward zero, Though we will never reach it. Just after the number of dead is given, Parshat Korach turns suddenly. G-d tells Moses to ta…

  • USCJ Statements

    …bring healing and exercise responsible governance. The Rabbinical Assembly American Jewish University-Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies The Cantors Assembly Mercaz USA North American Association of Synagogue Executives-NAASE Jewish Educators Assembly Jewish Youth Directors Association The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism-USCJ Women’s League for Conservative Judaism . The Rabbinical Assembly and United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Res…

  • Movie Night “An American Tail”

    …16 Aug Movie Night “An American Tail” August 16, 2023 6:15 pm – 7:45 pm Kids Programs More Info…

  • BEKI Gay Pride Shabbat 5766

    …t this text. This is from the Mishna, (Sanhedrin 8:1-4), written down about 1800 years ago. They begin by asking a question: A rebellious and disobedient son – when does he become a rebellious and disobedient son? From the age when he can produce two hairs but before he grows a beard…. And then they quote: When a man has a son – this means a son and not a daughter, a son and not a man, and a minor is exempt since he has not as yet entered into the…

  • Prayer & Synagogue Ritual

    …gain, with certain restrictions). Minors may not lead the shaharit morning service or musaf additional service. However, any Jewish child who has reached the age of bar-mitzva (13 for boys) or bat-mitzva (12 for girls), whether or not they have celebrated a “bar- or bat-mitzva” ceremony, are adults for this purpose by virtue of their age and may lead all services. Dear Reader, Dear Rabbi has a few questions of his own and would be happy to receive…

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    …) to a more inclusive layout will better fit our participatory, member-led services. Acoustical improvements will also promote inclusivity, accessibility, and the participatory nature of our services. For climate control and air quality, part of the committee’s charge is to determine what HVAC improvements are needed in the sanctuary and to incorporate those changes into the redesign. The upgrades should bring less noise (thereby improving acousti…

  • BEKI History

    …tated the mobilization of volunteers to read Torah, lead daily and Shabbat services, teach benei mitzva students, and provide the many services so capably performed by Mr. Friedman. A wise, pious and humble scholar, Mr. Friedman raised generations of New Haven youth with a love of Torah. His commitment to tradition and the advancement of women eased the Congregation’s transition to a fully gender-egalitarian format in all aspects of synagogue life…

  • The Miracle of Hanuka

    …manent. This is at a time of huge projected deficits and hardship for many American families. Most of those tax cuts benefit the wealthiest one percent of Americans. Tax cuts for the wealthy are unconscionable at this time. Our synagogue board members know how much I make, and you might not think of me as a wealthy man. But consider that the median household income in the United States was $42,228 (in 2001) (“representing a 2.2 percent decline in…

  • Endowments

    …srael. Posener was the first recipient of the Congregation’s Distinguished Service Award in 1995 in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to the Congregation. In 1999 and again in 2000, George Posener added significantly to his initial contribution to the Fund. The Gilah Benson-Tilsen Fund for Youth To mark Gilah’s acceptance of adult responsibilities toward God and Humanity at the time of her becoming a bat mitzva, Gilah and her family hav…

  • Not By Might: A Hanuka Message

    …e cultural diversity. To live according to our own ways is now part of the American ideal. By right as Americans we can declare our Jewishness. By living fully as Jews, we get “extra credit” for living the American Way. When we place our Hanuka lights in our window for all to see, we make a positive statement about our values and identity. “Whoever performs a mitzva,” say our sages, “lights a candle of God and revives their spirit.” Happy Hanuka….