Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Endowments

    …srael. Posener was the first recipient of the Congregation’s Distinguished Service Award in 1995 in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to the Congregation. In 1999 and again in 2000, George Posener added significantly to his initial contribution to the Fund. The Gilah Benson-Tilsen Fund for Youth To mark Gilah’s acceptance of adult responsibilities toward God and Humanity at the time of her becoming a bat mitzva, Gilah and her family hav…

  • Not By Might: A Hanuka Message

    …e cultural diversity. To live according to our own ways is now part of the American ideal. By right as Americans we can declare our Jewishness. By living fully as Jews, we get “extra credit” for living the American Way. When we place our Hanuka lights in our window for all to see, we make a positive statement about our values and identity. “Whoever performs a mitzva,” say our sages, “lights a candle of God and revives their spirit.” Happy Hanuka….

  • Bulletin December 1999

    …t service elsewhere can find a minyan schedule of our region linked to our Service Schedule page. Go to to find the link. Want to preview the next newsletter? Past, current and future editions of the BEKI Bulletin are available at Find out what happened or is going to happen. A Message from Rabbi Tilsen Doing it…

  • Bulletin June 1997

    …Tiqun Leil Shavuot Sweeter than Honey Night of Adult Study Yizkor Memorial Service Festival Morning Services Feature Hallel & Ruth Ezra Academy Shabbat Torah Pathways Adult Education Classes Notice of Annual General Meeting Letters Sisterhood News LifeCycle Devar Torah by Drew Allison Men’s Hevra Qadisha UHS Graduation & Promotion Ramah New England Alumni Sought Seizing the Moment by Rabbi Ismar Schorsch, Chancellor of JTSA Stutz Memorial Builds B…

  • Right vs. Right

    …using adjectives like “dark,” “dirty” and “hairy” and claimed that African Americans were incapable of serving American cities as decent mayors. It does not seem unreasonable to me, or an abridgement of anyone’s constitutional rights, for African Americans to inform Shoppers World or Temple Luggage that they do not appreciate the sponsors’ support of Ken Hamblin and their association with his message of hatred and contempt by the presence of their…

  • The Miracle of Hanuka

    …manent. This is at a time of huge projected deficits and hardship for many American families. Most of those tax cuts benefit the wealthiest one percent of Americans. Tax cuts for the wealthy are unconscionable at this time. Our synagogue board members know how much I make, and you might not think of me as a wealthy man. But consider that the median household income in the United States was $42,228 (in 2001) (“representing a 2.2 percent decline in…

  • The Bluegrass Characters & Kol Kahol

    …23 Dec The Bluegrass Characters & Kol Kahol December 23, 2021 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm The annual bluegrass concert has returned! Kol Kahol and The Bluegrass Characters Revue will present “A Tribute to Phil Zimmerman and Stacy Phillips” at BEKI […] More Info…

  • BEKI In the News

    …ays to connect, serve the world, and have fun. After a year of adapting to services outdoors, BEKI has restored its three separate children’s services every Shabbat morning. Rosh Hashana brings bright future to New Haven synagogue and new rabbi: It was ‘meant to be’,, Sep. 5, 2021 [NOTE: article is behind a paywall] Rabbi Eric Woodward plans to encourage the members of Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel to be their true, best selves,…

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Israel

    …organized movement of selective objection, i.e. objection not to military service per se but objection to service in the occupied territories or even, occasionally, objection to service at all in what was now seen as an army engaged in an illegal or immoral occupation.8 As one student, about to be drafted, put it in 1979, “It’s not clear to me which side I’ll be on in the various confrontations with the Palestinians. If I’m told to help put down…

  • Rabbi’s Annual Report June 2013

    …s many either moved away or grew up and went to yeshiva, college, military service, volunteer service, employment or other activities. During the past twenty years, the number of children has grown from under 70 to over 210. Nine youths became benei mitzva in celebrations at BEKI in FY13 (compared to eleven last year and ten the prior year). The nine do not include those who held ceremonies at locations other than the synagogue or who became of ag…