Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Joseph & Family: Parashat VaYeshev 5763

    …you please talk about something else, because we know our father loves you best and it really hurts our feelings and if you keep talking about it, we’re going to do something bad to you.” And that’s what they did; they made plans to kill him and instead sold him as a slave. What they did was awful. They shouldn’t have sent away their brother. They broke their father’s heart because Yaqov really believed that Yosef was killed by a wild beast. And t…

  • Message at the bar mitzva observance of brother Shai Winter

    …reat sense of humor, he never does anything out of malice, he can find the best in people, and he is comfortable being himself in front of people. After all, how many people have given a devar Torah in a top hat? Sometimes it appears that Shai isn’t paying attention to conversations around him, while in truth, he is always listening. He may be playing, or singing, or making up a story about the circus, but he still hears what is being said around…

  • Abraham’s Tent

    …09 Mar Abraham’s Tent March 9, 2015 5:30 pm – 11:30 pm BEKI Abraham’s Tent is a community-based program with Columbus House which, through the generosity of local religious congregations and organizations, provides shelter and case management for […] More Info…

  • Abraham’s Tent

    …11 Mar Abraham’s Tent March 11, 2015 5:30 pm – 11:30 pm BEKI Abraham’s Tent is a community-based program with Columbus House which, through the generosity of local religious congregations and organizations, provides shelter and case management for […] More Info…

  • Animal Rights and Wrongs

    …o deserve destruction,” is that — I’m not making this up — they committed “bestiality,” i.e., mating across species, a sin the natural consequences of which would compromise the species’ prospect for survival!) In our day, advocates for “Animal Rights” have taken extreme measures to protest and protect against the exploitation of animals. The sentiment behind this is noble, represents valid Torah values, and implements several specific mitsvot. Be…

  • Abraham’s Tent

    …13 Mar Abraham’s Tent March 13, 2015 5:30 pm – 11:30 pm BEKI Abraham’s Tent is a community-based program with Columbus House which, through the generosity of local religious congregations and organizations, provides shelter and case management for […] More Info…

  • Abraham’s Tent

    …15 Mar Abraham’s Tent March 15, 2015 5:30 pm – 11:30 pm BEKI Abraham’s Tent is a community-based program with Columbus House which, through the generosity of local religious congregations and organizations, provides shelter and case management for […] More Info…

  • Abraham’s Tent

    …er. Over the last 5 years, many of the men who participated in this program have moved to transitional or permanent housing. Each works with a case manager to figure out their best next step. The BEKI Tikun Olam Committee is proud to be able to coordinate BEKI’s effort in this worthwhile project.    …

  • Accessibility

    …enter aisle, and second-row cut-outs in the center. Sound amplification is best in the center of rows six to ten along the Whalley Avenue side. A Hearing Loop system was installed in the Sanctuary in May 2014.  Sanctuary seats are fixed and 18″ wide. The George G. Posener Daily Chapel Beit Midrash is accessible on the main floor. Seating is movable and people using wheelchairs can choose almost any location. A large single-person wheelchair-access…

  • Seeing God’s Face: Jacob & Esau

    …nd will receive him with mercy and will be good to him in every way to the best of his ability” (Note 51 (9) by R’ Shimon Menahem Mendel Wodnik, on Sefer HaBeShT). This notion of being good to one who has acted wickedly, of being nice to someone who was mean to you, is a description of the attitude one ought to hold, according to this pietist notion. Well and good. But what affect might this have on the one who was being wicked? If you’re good to…