Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • BEKI History

    …ick M. Pashall, President [1949] Temple Keser Israel 40th Anniversary Journal 1949 Chronology of Keser Israel 1938 – 1950 author unknown, undated, c. 1950? Annual Report: Temple Keser Israel 1952 – 1953 by The Outgoing President Adolph M. Ticotsky Rabbi Leon Spitz Over the years, the dream of growth came true and the Foote Street building could no longer contain the congregation. In 1945 Keser Israel joined the Conservative movement, and invited t…

  • The People’s Torah

    …law. I quote from the Mishna: “Why do we record the opinion of an individual along with the majority, inasmuch as the law follows the majority? In case a court agrees with the opinion of the individual and relies on it….” Some sages (e.g. Raavad) take this to mean that a later, higher court can rely on the viewpoint of the minority opinion in making its judgment. That is, a later court can use a previously rejected minority opinion as a source of…

  • Rabbi’s Annual Report June 2013

    …tee, various other committees and Sisterhood. Membership This past year (Fisc*]}*al Year 2013, or FY13, that is, 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013) we were saddened by the deaths of our beloved members Esther Rose, Robert Silberman, Elsie Hodes and Morton Silver. We also mourned members of the extended BEKI family, including Mike Moss, William Kaplowitz, Crosby Forbes, Raymond F. Smith, Ralph John “Jack” Janette, Jr., Irwin Gerber, Rose Brunswick; Lee Irwin

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    …oling, ventilation, and seating accessible for all people more intimate in scale and layout a space for active participants in our volunteer-led services, not for a passive audience a warmer, more inviting environment Rabbi Eric Woodward and synagogue president Yaron Lew have enthusiastically endorsed the project. You can read Rabbi Eric’s message here and Yaron’s message here. What will the project cover? What will change and what will stay the s…

  • Parashat BeHar: My Jubilee

    …w. The other days of Creation are denoted, as you would expect, using ordinal numbers – second, third, and the like; but not the first day, Yom Ehad – Day One. Rashi teaches that “Day One” is to be understood as the Day of the One, the Day of God, and that God created everything in all its potential on that Day. From that day on, it follows that, as my daughter Sarah has recently begun quoting Martin Buber in the tag line to her email messages — T…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …ood, Jews Under Roman Rule, p. 176. 27. Bilde, pp. 81-82. Bilde’s emphasis. 28. Schwartz, in Scripta Classica Israelica, VII, 1983/1984, pp. 49-52, and in Agrippa p. 93. Gafni, in his comparison of Josephus and I Macc., says Josephus stresses willingness to die whereas I Macc. stresses brave fighting and heroism in their accounts of the same period. (Y. Gafni, “LeDarkei Shimusho….”, Zion (45), 1980, pp. 90-91.) 29. Daniel Schwartz, “Midbar u’Midra…

  • BEKI In the News

    …Israel, a Muslim refugee from Syria took the kitchen lead. Aminah Mohammad Alsaleh, who arrived here from a refugee camp in Jordan a year ago with her husband and three young children, is trying to learn English, get a driver’s license and start a catering business. More Stories Video Reports of the 2 January 2017 Car Crash Incident at BEKI…

  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …nge His mind. * * * What changed G-d’s mind? Was it Aaron’s careful technical ritual work – His adding of incense to make atonement? Was it his selfless decision to charge into the midst of danger? His heroic decision to stay in the midst of danger, Even when his task was done? His willingness to risk the people’s anger? His willingness to risk G-d’s anger, To transgress the command to Remove himself from the community? The Torah doesn’t tell us….

  • Bulletin June 1997

    …antle the Chief Rabbinate and its network of courts. Sustained by a political alliance between cynicism and fundamentalism, the system is today without a scintilla of moral worth. In 1994, 20% of the Israelis getting married went abroad to circumvent the monopoly of the Orthodox establishment, often to undergo only a civil ceremony. I am not calling for the abrogation of legislation for religious purposes (kosher food, Shabbat, autopsies, archaeol…

  • Introducing New Members

    …Ainsley says she is also a fan of BEKI children’s programs. Tom says he is always looking for fellow fans to see jazz music with. Jess is interested in meeting fellow gardeners. Trezlen Drake I’m excited to be a part of BEKI and meet you all, so be sure to introduce yourself to me at kiddush. My favorite part of being Jewish is the fact that our religious life and the observance of holidays are as communal as they are individual. For example, I li…