Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Rabbi’s Annual Report June 2013

    …mte This year, 96.7% of our services enjoyed a minyan (quorum). It was the best year for daily and Shabbat service attendance in the past twenty years, the years for which we have records (compare FY12 at 93%). It probably was the best year ever for minyan-making in the 120-year history of the Congregation, and if not then it had to be close to BEKI holds 730 services each year (counting Minha & Maariv as one, and not counting Musaf; if we counted…

  • Bulletin December 1999

    …ariety of wonderful gifts for men, women and children. The shop is open Sundays and Wednesdays during Hebrew School hours, or by appointment. Call Adele at 389-9599. All of those who attended Sisterhood’s paid-up membership supper in November had a very enjoyable evening. Everything was great: the food, the entertainment, and the company. Recent donations to Sisterhood were made by Joan Gelbert, Shirley Mattler, Gary and Betsy Rosenberg, Rose Feen…

  • Oxygen

    …low. To purchase tickets online, click here, then scroll down to High Holy DaysTickets. SECURITY UPDATE: Please know that our High Holy Days team is working hard to make sure that while remaining the warm and welcoming community we have always been, it is doing its best to implement some new procedures and policies, which take your security very seriously. Your understanding and total cooperation are very much appreciated. More Information and…

  • Noto Sans

    …low. To purchase tickets online, click here, then scroll down to High Holy DaysTickets. SECURITY UPDATE: Please know that our High Holy Days team is working hard to make sure that while remaining the warm and welcoming community we have always been, it is doing its best to implement some new procedures and policies, which take your security very seriously. Your understanding and total cooperation are very much appreciated. More Information and…

  • Muli

    …low. To purchase tickets online, click here, then scroll down to High Holy DaysTickets. SECURITY UPDATE: Please know that our High Holy Days team is working hard to make sure that while remaining the warm and welcoming community we have always been, it is doing its best to implement some new procedures and policies, which take your security very seriously. Your understanding and total cooperation are very much appreciated. More Information and…

  • Arimo

    …low. To purchase tickets online, click here, then scroll down to High Holy DaysTickets. SECURITY UPDATE: Please know that our High Holy Days team is working hard to make sure that while remaining the warm and welcoming community we have always been, it is doing its best to implement some new procedures and policies, which take your security very seriously. Your understanding and total cooperation are very much appreciated. More Information and…

  • High Holy Days

    …ow.  To purchase tickets online, click here, then scroll down to High Holy DaysTickets. SECURITY UPDATE:  Please know that our High Holy Days team is working hard to make sure that while remaining the warm and welcoming community we have always been, it is doing its best to implement some new procedures and policies, which take your security very seriously.  Your understanding and total cooperation are very much appreciated. More Information an…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …Holy City without offending the Jews. He had placed in the palace there a number of gilded shields, which bore simply Caesar’s name, and that of the giver, namely Pilate, without any representation of any living thing whatsoever. Far from being mollified, the opposition increased.”15 Schurer, more cautiously, observes that “there is no certainty in regard to the chronological sequence of these two happenings,” but supposes that the shields incide…

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Israel

    …igration, and faked medical or psychiatric exemptions.36 Moreover, a large number of youths conscientiously or ideologically opposed to military service accepted induction but did their best to get through the ordeal.37 Most of the case histories of objectors found in the literature indicate a high degree of ethical sensitivity and sincerity. A study done in September 1983 on the moral judgment of 36 reservists who had served jail sentences for re…

  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …s tell us Is that 14,700 people died In this sudden plague. It’s a precise number. And it invites immediate comparison To the number we heard just a few verses earlier: Why did only 250 die From Korach’s active rebellion, But 14,700 die For a single line of passive complaint: “You two have brought death on the L-rd’s people.” This single line of lament, Of blame and complaint, May not seem so surprising, or egregious. They had seen Moses tell the…