Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Search Results for: Delta Customer Care 1800-299-7264 Phone Number

  • The Relations of Care: Reflecting on the Dignity of Work, Racial Justice & Interdependence with Jennifer Klein via Zoom

    …24 Sep The Relations of Care: Reflecting on the Dignity of Work, Racial Justice & Interdependence with Jennifer Klein via Zoom September 24, 2020 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Home Page Interior Page Her talk will focus on the idea of teshuva as it pertains to racial inequities in the care of our elderly and disabled, specifically, the […] More Info…

  • Parashat BeHar: My Jubilee

    …e! What I mean, rather, is that we need to stop looking for others to take care of us; we need to take care of ourselves. We need to stop looking for others to set our agendas; we need to set our own agendas. We need to stop looking for others to take care of our institutions; we need to take care of our institutions. What is the collective implication for the BEKI community? Most simply, this: let’s get our synagogue in shape – organizationally,…

  • BEKI In the News

    …did not experience antisemitism in India and, in fact, helped to rescue a number of Jews fleeing Europe in World War II. Conversation with Mark Oppenheimer,, Nov 25, 2019 Mark Oppenheimer describes himself as a writer, talker, father, husband, dog-owner, and challah baker. Though not necessarily in order of importance. Challah baking aside, the talker in Oppenheimer will get to do just that on Sunday, Dec. 15, 10 a.m., at Congreg…

  • Rabbi’s Annual Report June 2013

    …30s Havura, thanks to the initiative of Miriam Benson and the support of a number of program participants such as Eva Landau. It’s a nice way to bring people together and to help people locate their cohorts in the sea of members. The number of formal members does not tell the whole story. There are many families or individuals who identify BEKI as “their” synagogue, even though they are not formally members. For at least some purposes, we should t…

  • Zoom Schmooze: Legal issues around health care and end of life with Donna Levine & Michael Hurwitz

    …08 Jul Zoom Schmooze: Legal issues around health care and end of life with Donna Levine & Michael Hurwitz July 8, 2020 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Home Page Interior Page A presentation about medical advanced directives and other legal issues around health care and end of life. They will discuss matters such as – Selecting […] More Info…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …Holy City without offending the Jews. He had placed in the palace there a number of gilded shields, which bore simply Caesar’s name, and that of the giver, namely Pilate, without any representation of any living thing whatsoever. Far from being mollified, the opposition increased.”15 Schurer, more cautiously, observes that “there is no certainty in regard to the chronological sequence of these two happenings,” but supposes that the shields incide…

  • Prep of Care Kits for Chapel on the Green

    …27 Dec Prep of Care Kits for Chapel on the Green December 27, 2020 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Home Page Interior Page More details to come. More Info…

  • Parashat Huqat Devar Torah

    …s tell us Is that 14,700 people died In this sudden plague. It’s a precise number. And it invites immediate comparison To the number we heard just a few verses earlier: Why did only 250 die From Korach’s active rebellion, But 14,700 die For a single line of passive complaint: “You two have brought death on the L-rd’s people.” This single line of lament, Of blame and complaint, May not seem so surprising, or egregious. They had seen Moses tell the…

  • BEKI Gay Pride Shabbat 5766

    …for it to be, as we call it – a tree of life – we must water and feed and care for that tree so that it will continually bring forth new growth. So here goes. Let’s look at our text: And a man shall not lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination. And a man who lies with a man as with a woman, they have done an abominable thing, they will both surely die and their blood is upon them. (Lev. 18:20, 20:13) As we know, these texts have been…

  • Volunteer

    …e shiva mourning period. History of Completed Service Projects Covenant to Care: Adopt a Social Worker – Through Covenant to Care’s Adopt a Social Worker program, our congregation was matched with a child protection social worker in the City of New Haven. The congregation supported the worker to meet the needs of abused, neglected, and severely impoverished children in our community. BEKI participated in the program from August 2003 through 2005….